Tips for Controlling Humidity

January, 2023

This winter, in particular, has been very humid, and even in well-insulated homes that typically resist humidity, traces of mold and mildew have appeared this year, especially on natural objects such as lamps or wicker baskets, unvarnished wood, bamboo pieces, branches, and dried flowers. Even potted plants are not immune.

I don’t have any miraculous recipe to eliminate this problem because we can’t control the humid weather, but I’ll share some tips that I apply and find helpful!

  • Open the windows daily for at least 30 minutes to let the air circulate and ventilate the house. If you’re away on vacation or over the weekend, leave at least 2 windows slightly open.

  • Close the bathroom door during and after a shower, and open the window or use the extractor fan. This prevents water vapor from spreading to other rooms.

  • Use dehumidifier boxes (available in most supermarkets) in places prone to humidity or with poor ventilation, such as closets or bathrooms.

  • Apply varnish to raw wooden items/furniture, as it seals the surface and prevents mold growth.

  • Place silica gel bags, gypsum items, and/or cedar discs in drawers to absorb moisture and neutralize odors.

  • Leave closet doors slightly ajar to allow air circulation and avoid overcrowding. It’s essential to have space between hangers.

  • Always turn on the range hood when cooking and, if possible, keep pots covered. This way, you can utilize the cooking steam instead of wasting it and further saturating the air.

  • Avoid drying clothes indoors, although I understand it’s impossible in many homes at this time of year. If you do, ideally, you should use a dehumidifier or place them in a room that can be closed off from the rest of the house.

In addition to these tips, there are also other options that require a larger investment, such as mechanical ventilation systems, which are well worth the cost.